Saturday, January 23, 2021

16 Stocks to Watch for a Defense Production Act Boost

 There are two ways to play the pharmaceutical space without touching vaccines. If you want to benefit from the Defense Production Act, one possible winner is Eastman Kodak (NYSE:KODK). Yes, high-flying and controversial KODK stock. The legacy camera company has been struggling, and President Donald Trump made moves that gave shares new life. Essentially, he announced that the company would receive a federal loan to retool its factories to produce generic pharmaceuticals. On the product list was hydroxychloroquine, a generic medication Trump touted as a Covid-19 treatment.

However, KODK stock has not had an easy time in the stock market. After initially rocketing higher, allegations of insider trading rocked shares. Although an investigation has settled those concerns for now, adding Eastman Kodak to your watch list is not a risk-free endeavor.


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